Saturday 14 July 2007


I'm hoping to have a proper post up later this afternoon covering the second set of Rough Cuts at the Royal Court which I saw a week ago - not least since I see from my obsessive checking of my new blog stat counter that the Google searches which are most frequently finding this blog are those for "Laura Wade". It is hard not to speculate about who is conducting these searches. Does she have so many ardent admirers, forever trawling the net in search of their heroine? Apparently so. So I'd better not disappoint them.

In the mean time, and at the risk of turning my blog into little more than an alerts service for - and running commentary on - the Guardian's Theatre Blog, I shall draw your attention to this story from Lyn Gardner yesterday...

Oh, and I saw the much-praised Elling last night. Expect a CultureWars review, and possible meta-commentary here if I can't reasonably fit the questions it raised for me as part of a continuum about depictions of the relationship between madness and artistic/divine inspiration (cf. ...Dissocia, Speed Death..., St Joan) into the review proper...

And then expect millions of further posts about why I feel the need to divide my reviews into "proper" and "other" as my contribution to the brewing debate on what makes for good theatre criticism/writing-on-theatre (to borrow and paraphrase a better man's distinction) some time in the future.

. . stop press . . . stop press . . . stop press . . . stop press . . .

Another Google search for Ms Wade has just tipped someone onto the site. I just had a look to see if Postcards had somehow got to the top of Google's Wade references. It has not. It is on page 11. Someone is looking very thoroughly through mentions of her. How very strange.


danbye said...

Those stat counters are great, aren't they? I got a hit the other day from someone who'd googled "alistair darling" and "football". I do hope they found what they were looking for.

Andrew Haydon said...

My biggest surprise so far is having ever had (however briefly) an Israeli reader.

I'm not sure why it surprised me, but it did.

Ian Shuttleworth said...

Well, alert me if anything at all unpredictable appears in the Guardian's Theatre blog. I'm just about giving up on it. Michael B peddles social-fibre as a virtue in itself, Lyn G peddles left-field-ness as a virtue in itself, and a variety of others peddle whatever pops into their heads at a given moment. For me, the last straw came when Kelly Nestruck (who he?) lamented the imminent demise of the original musical LESS THAN 24 HOURS AFTER he had fervently defended the jukebox-musical-adapted-from-a-movie against originalist snobbery. Fuck all that; life's too short, and I don't even HAVE a life.

alexf said...

ian, you obviously missed this: