Tuesday 3 February 2009


Taking longer than expected.

Why not go and look at my new piece over at the Guardian until this turns into something...


Anonymous said...

We're waiting.

Carrie said...

Graun comment system not working so just wanted to say that I agreed with the latest piece. This whole "the West End was so much better when xyz" mindset never fails to infuriate me as it invariably goes hand-in-hand with an attitude that people who go to the theatre don't know what's good for them.

Jack of Kent said...

Hi Andrew

I enjoyed this piece.

The Musicals are important, as they help maintain the wider infrastructure of theatre-dom in London, from providing jobs and experience for technicians and actors to just encouraging restaurants to have performance-friendly serving times.

I have never been to a musical, but I am glad that they are there, and I hope non-musical theatre can piggy-back on them.
