Sunday 30 March 2008

On the hoof

Hopefully the sudden flurry of activity posted beneath goes some way toward mitigating the inexcusable recent lack activity on here. Beyond having been away for a few weeks, Postcards has variously been moving house and having its laptop nicked while its desktop was in storage. All of which means Postcards is currently ‘net-less except in cafes, which is obviously not ideal for a blog. It also means I haven’t had much of a chance to catch up with everyone else’s blogs, which I’m looking forward to, following the reinstatement of some sort of internet access.

That said, I’m now settled (mostly) at my new place and should be back to normal service as soon as humanly possible. In the mean time, my reviews of The Tempest, Involution, Hanging by a Thread and Woyzeck for Time Out are all still online, I'm on a TheatreVoice discussion here and there are reviews of God of Carnage and Peter Pan – The Musical in the pipeline. Annoyingly, my reviews of I’ll Be The Devil, Hedda Gabler and the NT’s Baby Girl / DNA / The Miracle were pretty much the only things on my laptop not backed-up elsewhere. I suppose I should try to knock those up at some stage, but at the moment, they don’t seem especially pressing, particularly with Spaniards and a French to put in their place.

Such is Postcards’s current organisational regime, that at the moment forthcoming shows are still very much a trade secret, but hopefully some sort of April Highlights preview will hove into view at some not-too-distant point in the future.

In the mean time, it’s lovely to be back. Hello!


Unknown said...

Hello good to see you back. It's going to take me all night to read all of these.

Sorry about your laptop. Nightmare.

Good luck on the house move.

Apropos of nothing what happened to the Finborough Forums? I only went to one, the last one - you organised it. I really enjoyed it. Are you doing others?


Andrew Haydon said...

Finborough Forums got canned by Neil (artistic director) on the grounds of cost. A pity, but it's saved me a hell of a lot of (unpaid) work. I think they'll make occasional reappearances - they ran a couple during Nick de Jongh's play on related topics.

Anonymous said...

I did one and never saw a red cent.

Andrew Haydon said...

I think the costs were incurred by staffing the venue and turning on the lights. As far as I'm aware, no one actually speaking or me got paid anything. Maybe Neil was just fobbing me off with the first excuse that came to mind :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi guys - Came across this and thought I'd set the record straight! We had to "can" them on the grounds of cost as said because we deliberately tried to keep the entrance fee as low as possible (£2, a quid of which went to Ticketweb) - ideally we would have liked not to charge anything, but with only 50 seats, we had to prevent people turning up without booking and being unable to get in. But, on that basis, we had to sell out to even cover the electricity bill for the evening. And in addition our Sunday/Monday shows were forfeiting a performance to make space for the forum which meant they were often failing to break even too. We also had real trouble getting the guests early enough to publicise the forums properly. We'd love to do something in the same style that doesn't mean that we lose a fortune, but also isn't just an imitation of the discussions that the funded theatres can do so much better! Any ideas gratefully accepted -

Andrew Haydon said...

That'll teach me to make flippant comments in public spaces. Hello Neil!

Anonymous said...

Hello Andrew! Seriously though, all ideas for something similar to the forum, but not, would be good. Neil

Interval Drinks said...

Ah there you are, nice to see you back blogging.

Peter Pan the musical, oh my...

Andrew Haydon said...

I know. Wasn't it just.